Camera Ready Instructions

Authors of accepted papers should read the following instructions regarding the publication process of their contribution for APWeb-WAIM 2025.


The camera-ready copy of your paper (together with source files and a signed copyright form) must be submitted to paper submission systems.

This deadline is absolute; missing it means your paper will not be included in the conference proceedings.

To prepare for your camera-ready submission, please carefully read the following instructions:

The proceedings of main conference and workshops of APWeb-WAIM 2025 will be published by Springer in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) and Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) respectively.  LaTeX and Word templates can be found here:

Please Note:

  • (a) Camera-ready papers should NOT have page numbers. All numbering will be done by the proceeding’s editor.
  • (b) The page limit is strict and final (references are exempt from the page count): 15 pages for research papers, 4 pages for demo papers, 10 pages for industry papers, and 12 pages for workshops papers.
  • (c) Submissions should be identifiable through the filename convention: paper_XX.pdf. For research papers, XX is the paper number assigned to your submission by CMT or Easychair, for demo papers, XX is “demo+paper number”, for industry papers, XX is “industry +paper number” ,and for workshops paper, XX is “workshop name+paper number”(e.g., paper_26.pdf, paper_demo01.pdf, paper_industry01.pdf, paper_KGMA01.pdf).
  • (d) Download and fill the Copyright form by clicking here.  The file must be named copyright_XX.pdf (e.g., copyright_26.pdf, copyright_demo01.pdf, copyright_industry01.pdf,copyright_KGMA01.pdf). Camera-ready papers must be accompanied by a signed copyright form. Please note that digital signatures are not accepted, and the form needs to be signed in ink and then scanned. Papers whose copyright has not been transferred on time will not be included in the proceedings.
  • (e) Create a folder named source_XX where XX is the paper number assigned by CMT or Easychair (e.g., source_26,source_demo01,source_industry01,source_KGMA01.pdf). The folder must contain all your source (input) files necessary to compile it correctly: For example,
    • 1. LaTeX2e files for the text and PS/EPS or PDF/JPG files for all figures.
    • 2. Any further style files and fonts you have used together with your source files and that are not generally available at CTAN.
    • 3. Final PDF file (for reference).
    • 4. RTF files (for word-processing systems other than LaTeX/TeX).
    • 5. The texts in all files (e.g., PDF and source files) must be identical.
    (f) Please ensure that your files compile successfully. Failure to compile may result in delays and, in some cases, exclusion from the final proceedings.
  • (g) Compress the following files in a zipped file and submit to CMT or Easychair. The zipped file must be named (e.g.,,,submission_industry
    • 1. Camera-ready paper (paper_XX.pdf file).
    • 2. Completed copyright form (copyright_XX.pdf).
    • 3. The folder containing source files (source_XX).

APWeb 2025 - International Conference on The Asia Pacific Web, Shenyang, China